little chit chat

long time not posting in this blog hahaha, ive got so many work to do, and guess what? im declared to be bendahara in my class, which is fantastic for me (but nothing to universe exactly wkwkw) but yea, tryin new things. before it i always declared as head of class, creative team head, decor head, art head, but this is... FINANCEE i know its just little amount of money but reorganizing them and all of the people to make commitmend about money just like challenging for me. so i accept it.

talkin about my condition, alhamdulillah im doin well, but this week i fell masuk angin and batuk2 , dont know but my faring is like have many amount of nail and its feel itch really. i think that because my sleep schedule are bad and getting worse, but now im (still) feeling okay with it, im happy over all.


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