bkn gw

My summary (mixed with some own thoughts) of this talk: • The problem: People tend to get stuck in life and they lack the right tools. Design Thinking (DT) is such a tool. • Dysfunctional beliefs -> get rid of them! ○ You need a passion. ○ You should know where you're going by now. ○ You must become the BEST version of yourself. 1. The unattainable best is the enemy of all the available betters. • 5 Tips from DT for Life Design: 1. Connecting the dots i. People want their lives to be meaningful / add up to something
ii. Exercise: Write 250 word essays on the following three questions and try to match them: 1) Who are you (your thoughts, words, actions)?
orang2 harusnya bisa lebih kritis terhadap hal2 yg mereka ketahui gt. in purpose to get sure bahwa semuanya itu baiik buat kepentingan bersama. tapi sebelum kritis yaa harus ada layout bawahnya, entah koneksi, stable financial, dan yg paling penting: keabsahan data. bener ga tuh yg dikritikin. kayanya kalo semua orang di dunia kaya gini dan ga denyal sama kesalahan mereka dan saling ngasih koreksi dan kepahaman yg humble, bumi bakal jauh lebih adem.

my words, hm : jadilah waspada, sebelum itu, jadilah tajam dan napak. ini kayanya didasari oleh awareness gue yg tinggi ttg property right dan benci sama oligarki. apa gue bakal cocok jadi komunis2 gt ya WKWKWKWKWK. kayanya bidang2 yg gw sukain ngarah kesini. antropologi belajar ttg whats the exactly natural herits human behavior yg kaya sekarang, pwk ttg gimana bikin sebuah lokasi jadi cocok untuk pengembangan dan aktualisasi warga setempat, public policy tentang gimana sebenarnya kebijakan2 itu dibuat dan apa landasannya yg based on society tentu aja, bukan biologically.

-baca2 berita internasional, ngasih interpretasi dikit.
-be curious ttg kenapa kontrol masyarakat di daerah padat penduduk jauh lebih ketat drpd di area perumahan higher middle level gt.
-merasa gemash lucu adore sama tingkah tetangga yg lucu2 gituu kek mereka saling peduli banget coo.
-adore juga kalo liat warga adat di dokumentarynya watchdoc, dari yg baduy, papua dsb. lucuu bgtt kek harmonis tenang, hebohnya dapet komunal wah gila suka bgt aing
2) What do you believe? What's the meaning of life? The big picture? Why are you here?

lwhat i believe:
-agama bukan si wkwkwkw. kalo agama islam. cuma blm blr lebih dalam karena males gmn dong:")))))))
-kalo belive in life meaning, gw punya satu obsesi besar terhadap kebersamaan semua organisme di universe ini dari yg ancient ampe superhuman di masa depan. we had through soooo many great story, bruh!!! kebersamaan penghuni universe, sapiens, sejrah beserta darah2nya, kesakitan para hewan karena kulit glowing manusia, tapi manusianya juga banyak yang baik. gw percaya cerita kehidupan iniakan jadi 1 cerita kosmos yg palinggggg kerenn!

whats the meaning of life:
-tentu aja ngasih yg terbaik ke org terdekat. parents, friend, sibling walaupun siblingnya minta dibunuh.
-jalan2 keliling dunia dan jadi "warga lokal" di berbagai kesempatan like zahid do
-finansial stabil, be the best version of my self
-being mindful, minum air kulit sehat rambut tebal, pede depan kamera
-bisa memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar, komunal yg gemash2 itu bakalan seru kalo mereka bisa berdikari bareng!
-saat mati ingin diingat sebagai dita yg extrovert dan jago masak:) ngasih banyak jalan ke orang lain. punya anak laki-laki satu.
3) What do you do in the world? Why do you work? (Not a job description) The point of working?
what do i do in this hella world:
nih pertanyaan sangat bangke. merasa tertusuk:)
saat ini sedang cari cara gmn punya income stabil biar bisa fullbayar tagihan listrik rumah tiap bulan.
semua akan stabil kalo duit stabil. percayalah. jadi saya mau cari duit dullu. yg lain minggir dulu.

why do you work?
to dapet duit lagi2.

the point of working:
make clear consistent commitment to my self. harus tau kapan ngerjain ini kapan ngerjain itu
-belajar dealing with someone yg annoying bgt
-belajar olah napas, walau warnet berisik kaya barongsai, otak hrs ttp dingin memikirkan desain dan planning
-gada si, gw kesel jg ama kerjaan skrg.
ampe sini dulu, besok lanjut
2. Gravity problems: If it's not actionable, it's not a problem, it's a circumstance, e. g. gravity i. try to reframe problems to something workable. If that doesn't work, accept them as circumstances 3. Thought experiment: Multiverse -> How many good lives are out there for you? i. Exercise: Come up with 3 great five-year-from-now versions of yourself 1) Why 3? Good quality/quantity of follow-up ideas. 2) 3 rubrics: a) Your life as it is now goes great (continue what you're currently doing, trend-extrapolation) b) What would you do if a) died tomorrow, e. g. your job gets replaced by AI? Any sidehustle or talent to explore etc.? c) Wildcard-Plan: If neither $ nor reputation (nobody would laugh) was a restriction, what would you do/be? -> get creative! 3) Goal: recognize the great oppotunities life has to offer, smartly implement insights from b) and c) into a), as they usually get left behind 4. Prototyping your ideas i. Prototype to… 1) …ask interesting questions: "What would it be like if I tried this?" 2) …expose the underlying assumptions: "Is this even the thing I want (now) or is that just something I remember I wanted when I was 20?" 3) …involve others with your ideas 4) …sneak up on the future (because I don't know yet if this is exactly what I want..) ii. You can "prototype" ideas by… 1) protoyping conversations: the future is already here, only unevenly distributed -> others are already living your future -> get in touch with them and learn 2) prototyping experiences: test the experience (example: a 45 yo business exec attending a uni lecture to see if it feels right) 5. Making better choices: How do you know when you know? i. The process of choosing well and making yourself happy: 1. Gather & create options a) Deliberately (active brainstorming etc.) b) Serendipitious (be open for opportunities in your peripheral vision etc.) 2. Narrow down options to a working list a) "When you have too many choices, you have no choice" b) Radically cross out all choices until ~7 are left (overcome FOMO!) 3. Choose / Pick one: Combine rational judgement (pro/contra comparisons etc.) with holistic gut feelings 4. Let go & move on instead of agonizing (FOMO strikes again!): Consider decisions irreversible • Simply get curious, talk to people and try stuff!


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