day1: weird things you do when you're alone

basically, I enjoy my time being alone, solitude never ends and always has its perks 😂 and i don't know exactly what weird is; are there parameters of that term? I always think we have our own definition of specific value, and it's very subjective to everyone.

But i have certain hobbies that I'll do if I'm alone when nobody else sits beside and around me, but it depends on whether I can access the internet or not in these conditions. If i could, maybe i would scroll out my Twitter timeline to see and read what (my favorite) people say about almost everything. i follow people who have similar interests as me, or I have an agree on to most of their opinion, their view about something, or their knowledge about a specific field that I don't know yet.

For example, I follow @piyopikavet because he is a veterinarian and I adore animals (especially the cute ones:)). I'd love to watch pandas and their nanny on YouTube for a whole day, and piyopikavet had many great points about animals. How they interact, live and socialize, how humans, some common misconceptions about animal traits, and so on that endanger those animals. 

The second one is I follow Eno Bening. He is, indeed, a YouTuber and Twitch streamer with a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of Indonesia. I don't want to generalize because I don't really know the facts of each graduated student from the Philosophy Bachelor program, but I saw that Eno Bening could bring a new perspective to me about the basics of thinking, misunderstood processes when accepting information, some biases in thinking, and all other related topics about the way of thinking. How we think, and why our thinking process is not as good as we've known. Eno approaches these points in a fun and friendly way (he is a meme master, by the way hahaha).

The third one is dr. Ryu Hasan, you know who he is from the bio caption, right? hahahaha. He is a neurosurgeon, I know dr. Ryu for the first time when I watch his YouTube video.

A little flashback story: I once had a crush on my best friend, and I freaked out when I realized it, I know that my crush is clever and has a different way of thinking than anyone that I've known. I've been searching for this kind of person my entire life, and boom! I met him and fell in l0v3. But I still in the middle of doubt whether this will go well or not. And I'm curious how my brain works in this case, how our brain works in this phenomenon. Is there a specific (scientific) explanation for this and other things related to it?

So yeah, I watched that video, and my mind is blown by Dr. Ryu's explanation, but this is not the main reason I follow him on Twitter. Instead, I watch him in Endgame, a series by my (also) favorite figure, Gita Wirjawan. In Endgame episode 16 of season 3, Dr. Ryu and Pak Gita have a long talk about many topics: including Dr. Ryu's childhood, education, and current life. They also had to take the conversation into serious topics, whether it's openness to gain new knowledge and opportunities, democratization of ideas in this modern era, raw points about human nature and humans as animal species in the food chain, our tremendous position on this planet, humans' greediness and also kindness, how humans have the highest rate of criminal mortalities in the world, and so on.

Therefor, I'm willing to follow Dr. Ryu's twitter to get more points, get more knowledge

I also follow Ka Rian's Twitter account. I heard about him first when I watched Endgame (again) which Pak Gita is having conversation with Angga Dwimas Sasongko. They talked about film industry especially in Indonesia, how it survived and how to maintain the sustainability, its resources, its supporting factors, and its burdens, and how we see it as a huge opportunity to get a great and reliable industry in movie or animation, or both. And further, I watch Ka Rian in Raditya Dika's comedy series "Malam Minggu Miko" on YouTube, the series is so entertaining and smart at the same time.

tar lagi otak w cape


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