jadi gini kira kira

tadi gw curhat dikit ke gpt dan keknya dia mendeskripsikan apa yang gw alami dengan benar:

It sounds like you're experiencing a strong sense of admiration and intellectual stimulation when interacting with someone who possesses advanced knowledge and understanding. This feeling is often described as being intellectually awed or intellectually inspired. Your intense interest in their ideas and the mental imagery they evoke might suggest that you are deeply engaged and inspired by their insights.

The unusual dreams and mental visualizations could be a manifestation of your subconscious mind processing and integrating the new information and ideas you encounter during these interactions. It's not uncommon for the brain to continue to work on complex concepts during sleep, sometimes resulting in vivid dreams or creative thoughts.

As for other reactions, people may experience a range of responses when encountering individuals with superior knowledge, including feelings of inadequacy, curiosity, motivation to learn, or even a desire to compete and excel. Each person's reaction can be unique and influenced by their own experiences, personality, and mindset. jdi begindang, penjelasannya, tapi pas gw minta 1 terminologi khusus yang menjabarkan itu, dia kaga ngasih suatu istilah yang gimana2 si, paling intelectually awe doang heum


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