rangkuman qna dgn chatgpt

  • Describe Your Hometown:
  • What is your hometown like? What are some interesting places to visit there?
  • My hometown is placed in Banten, West Java. The place is my mother’s, actually because i’ve born in Jakarta, the capital city. My hometown is where the initial freshened air from the ridge of the mountains were always rivered into our houses then enters our ventilation and engulfs our lung smoothly, giving us a tremendous responsibility to catch the maximum point of gratitudes for mother earth’s blessing. 
  • When it comes to recommend to my friends, or you either for visiting my favorite spot in my hometown, surely that will be the rice field that spread widely beside the river. I have nothing to say except this was an extraordinary experience to breath so profoundly in there. 

  • Your Favorite Book or Movie:
  • Describe the plot, characters, and what you liked or disliked about it.
  • My current favorite book is Second Sister by Chan Ho Kei, setted in Hongkong, this novel tells a story about a girl that thriving a lot of burdens and mysteries about who was the real mean person that made her sister decided to take her own life. The story has ecompasses the rich combinations between technology, nowadays social issues, and many other social phenomenons that existed in our society. 
  • the things that i like about this novel is how the author doesn’t bring a romantic approach that could be the cheapest way to sugarcoating the story. instead, the composition could be said as a minuscule perks that appear in the end of the story. the second reason is how the author bring us into kind of profound basic knowledge about internet network, cybersecurity, and social media currencies. it gives me a lot of basic information and lessons about the fields. 
  • one thing that i dislike is, the gorify that feels like could be more intensified. i love the jump part.
  • A Memorable Trip:
  • Talk about a trip you took that was particularly memorable. Where did you go, and what did you do?
  • as long as i remember, i didn’t do any trip since i work, maybe since 3 years ago? this question honestly, cultivating my consider to rethink how could be better i am if i take one or two days offs in my office to going into some place that i want to, and absorp an actual differ atmosphere then in order to enhance my paradigm, or maybe a little perspective about this world, thanks for asking anyway. 
  • but i would telling about my favorite trip that i take, with my ex-boyfriend AOWKWKWK. at that moment, i and my ex were going to Taman Literasi that placed in South Jakarta, that was kind of beautiful and huge part, the greenish of the ground that combined with noises from flocks of birds, gives me a soothing mind.
  • Your Daily Routine:
  • Describe a typical day in your life from morning until night.
  • the first thing that i’ll do right after i wake up is take wudhu and get my prayer done, and i helped out my mother to prepare the meal for the day, as cutting vegetables, separating compositions or condiments of the menus, or rearrange the utensils into their initial positions in the kitchen’s cabinet. 
  • second one, ideally i would do my morning routines exercise. i have 2 kilograms-weighted dumbbell in my home, beside the wardrobe cabinet, i would grab it and doing any particular exercises for maybe 10 minutes or more. 
  • A Problem You Recently Solved:
  • Explain a problem you encountered and how you solved it. What steps did you take?
  • I deal a lot with depression lately, i’ve been thinking about what are the best way probabilities that i could take to ending this without giving burden to anyone else that live around me. but accidentally, or maybe the universe gives me her advice, my youtube account calibrate the algorithm in order to makes me click a video titled “how to face and reduce depression without taking any medicines” sincerely, i doom scrolling out my twitter timeline to look out the psychologist or psychiatry that placed in my city, that has no judgmental behavior, as best as i hope. then this youtube video came and with no realization, i watched it until the final seconds, it helps me really.
  • Your Future Goals:
  • What are your goals for the next five years? How do you plan to achieve them?
  • i dont have one because i just thrived with my seasonal depression and have nothing to do with my further future but i would say that i would give my best and efforts to fulfill my daily life and being happy and grounded of all things that have or maybe occur. 


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